Friday, January 4, 2013

Lucky's Second Graduation "Ners"

Sudah 1 nov 2012 kemaren sahabat saya, lucky cutegirl (haha) wisuda! yey! setelah 15 bulan praktek menjalani profesi akhirnya disumpah juga :) Very proud of you darl!
Sekarang nih jadi Lucky Fitriana,S.Kep.,Ners. bujung, panjang kali ya gelarnya, padahal baru S1, belom ntar kalo S2 S3...haha,
gelar mah g jadi soal ya, yang penting kontribusi apa yang kita berikan. :)
atas : desy-lucky-mbun
bawah : me-tika-tita

ini ya, si desy, super jail!

Rangkaian acara setelah sumpah menyumpah, biasanya kita foto-foto, entah itu di sekitar kampus maupun di studio foto. Saya sangat senang dengan hasil foto studio kali ini, so clear dan keliatan cantik-cantik *ihiiiirrr. 
sebenernya ini udah di post tahun lalu, des 2012. iya kali, belom ada seminggu ganti kalender.hehe. dan udah kesimpen di draft selama setahun.haha *lebay.
ini teman2 saya senasib seperjuangan. kalo bersama mereka, yg semula seperti neraka tiba2 jadi surga. g ada yg g mungkin kalo sama mereka. i love u ladiea, deeply hug, kiss kiss kiss.
segini dulu ya ceritanya, insyaallah bulan ini saya juga merayakan my second graduation hehe, simak terus ya. bye bye.

shitty day

assalamu'alaykum everyone
:'( oh my dearest friend, im so sad today. why? hah, a lot of story from my prodi when i tell one by one now will then be make me craziiihhhh. oh God! why i am not a be lucky person in my prodi??? i feel when i step on that building is like emm, my happiness is going out of my soul. whatta, so im walking look like a zombie.errrrr, poor me!
today, i got a message from my friend. she advice of our ipk. ah men, so damn ipk! almost our ipk is so suck, its not like my expectation. Astagfirullah, when people is judging! its not fair et all. i know, i have a bad value of my 'peminatan' state. you know? coz, oneday i am not be present at work. well, coz i am sick. my lecturer not give me a tolerance, hwot? is it aproblem????? oke, another day i change it! so what??? i got a 100% present.
i need a deeply hug! :( sinihhhh, peyuuukkk
well, i must acceptance that the result.
I Have a Bright Life! i believe, Allah always beside me. Allah always give the best way for our life, Allah know what is the right for me.
thank you reader, i wish, we are have the bright way! ♡